The Cuckoo in the Nest

“It doesn’t make any difference what genitals someone has!” A very sneery teenager barked this statement at me during a discussion on gender identity and the recent London Pride parade. We were referencing a group of women who had moved to the front of the parade and carried banners protesting lesbian erasure from the LGBT movement and the swelling tide of transgender dogma which says lesbianism could, even should, involve biological males.

Much has already been written about the reasons for this action [*1]. I’m not a lesbian and it wouldn’t be fair of me to speak for the women involved. However, were I in their place, I would certainly feel betrayed and abandoned by a movement which was supposed to protect my rights and safety. Lesbianism means “Female homosexual”; women who are same-sex attracted. It does not involve males or male genitalia. If even the LGBT community itself will attack and pillory women for making what should be such obvious and basic statements, we know something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Over recent months I have seen lesbians vilified and abused for trying to define their own sexual boundaries, described as Nazis for daring to suggest that their sexuality does not include male reproductive organs. I have read articles you’d swear were satire describing how lesbians should learn to love ‘girl dick’ [*2]. One of them, published in Autostraddle [*3], even schools lesbians in how to stimulate an erect penis and perform fellatio. There is a YouTube video in which an older transwoman encourages a nervously giggling ‘babydyke’ (their word) to have sex with ‘trans ladies’ [*4]. The infamous Riley J Dennis makes YouTube videos telling lesbians that rejecting penis makes them ‘transphobic’ and likens having a ‘genital preference’ when dating to being a racist [*5].

What makes me really uncomfortable is that most of these articles and videos are aimed at the young. I can’t imagine the effect they must have on young lesbians who are only just beginning to understand and explore their sexuality. Shaming young women for asserting their own sexual boundaries…? Biological males coercing and blackmailing young women into having sex with them…? In any other context, we’d call this grooming.

I’ve heard from lesbian friends that they have been forced to allow physical males who ‘identify as lesbian’ into their clubs and organisations etc. Refusing them access means losing the funding they receive from the very LGBT charities which are supposed to be supporting their right to be same-sex attracted. I understand there are many physical males who litter lesbian dating sites. I’ve heard time and time again about lesbians being abused, bullied and even physically threatened for daring to refuse biological males as potential partners. Every time I log onto social media, I see some man raging against the lesbians who won’t include him in their lesbianism.

Believing that women must centre men in their sexuality is the epitome of male entitlement. However, I think there is another very obvious reason behind this endless, rabid insistence that lesbianism must include physical males; if lesbians are allowed to refuse penis, we must acknowledge that the penis is not female. And that is a heresy which cannot go unpunished.

Only a couple of years ago I was blissfully ignorant of these issues and had no idea that society was heading down a deep, dark rabbit hole called “GENDER”. Now I am acutely aware of the debate, however, and I grow increasingly alarmed about the way women (the class of people with female reproductive anatomy) are being effectively erased. If, as the government intends with proposed self ID legislation, any man can be a woman by simply identifying (you have to say the magic word!) as one, then the word “woman” is rendered meaningless. And if we have no word with which to describe our biological sex, then we cannot challenge the oppression and discrimination inherent in it.

Women are being erased, subsumed, over-ridden… generally swallowed up whole by this well-financed and very powerful trans lobby. Women must shut up, shove up, give up their spaces, their rights, their opportunities, even the very language they need to discuss their lives and experiences… and if they protest they’ll be terrified into silence with screams of “TERF!” and “Bigot!”.

Make no mistake, this is a 21st century witch hunt. A woman has opinions you don’t like? There is now a very powerful and effective way to silence her, to terrify her into submission. These new trans activists are a snarling, menacing, all-powerful tour de force and women must either subjugate themselves completely (as some are clearly doing) or face the very serious consequences of non-compliance. They make McCarthy look like an amateur.

Only last week a respected female lesbian academic faced a barrage of abuse and had her employment threatened for daring to air some perfectly innocuous views about the reality of biological sex. It’s happening everywhere, all the time. Women are doxxed, intimidated, their jobs and families are threatened, they’re no-platformed, their meetings are disrupted, on one occasion even terrorized with a bomb threat [*6], a trades unionist is attacked on her own picket line [*7] and a 60 year old women gets punched in the face by a 20 year old man for simply attending a perfectly peaceful talk [*8]… and this is all deemed acceptable under the new regime.

The rules are clear; any reference to female biology as being inherent to womanhood is transphobic, any questioning of the mantra that “Transwomen are women” makes one a fascist, any refusal to believe that penises can be female and you will surely face the consequences. ‘TERFs’ are the new witches.  That one word renders all the violence, intimidation and aggression women face perfectly acceptable. Women are literally terrified of speaking out to protect their hard-won rights and safety. And if this sounds like an Orwellian dystopia to you, that’s because it is.

What an utterly tragic and unnecessary situation; it never used to be like this. Transwomen and women were once each other’s strongest friends and allies. We respected and supported each other’s rights and safety. We fought side by side on the same team against the common enemy – toxic masculinity. Tranwomen never made any claims on womanhood. Both sides knew that our lives, challenges, experiences and biology were different. But that didn’t matter; transwomen were welcomed into the club as honorary members and we all rubbed along together in harmony.

That, however, was back in the day we knew what “Trans” actually meant. A transsexual was someone who had medical treatment and surgery in order to live socially as the opposite sex. But now the new identity politics woowoo has allowed the trans community to be invaded and overtaken by cross dressers, transvestites, fetishists, autogynephiles, men with porn-soaked lesbian fantasies, any attention-seeking, gender non-conforming male who loves glitter and lipstick and calls himself non-binary… They’re all covered by the ‘trans umbrella’.  Trans now means everything. And it means nothing.

Very few so-called transwomen have any intention of ever having any medical treatment or physical alteration. They are physical males with fully a functioning male reproductive system and male genitalia. They are women simply because they say they are. Even the ones with beards (no joke – see Alex Drummond). Of course, this hugely undermines the position and integrity of genuine transsexuals and many (Miranda Yardley [*9], Kristina Harrison [*10] and Debbie Hayton [*11], amongst others) have spoken out about the problems they have with transgender ideology in national newspapers and at feminist meetings [*12]. They are dismissed as ‘truscum’ and attacked relentlessly on social media. Only the newspeak of the transgenderists is allowed.

These new ‘transwomen’ are no longer women’s allies in the fight against patriarchal dominance; THEY ARE THE VERY EMBODIMENT OF IT. They are determined to erase and assume womanhood. They demand access to all of our services, spaces, organisations and opportunities and will unleash hell if their demands are not met. See non-binary performance artist, Travis Alabanza, who launched a campaign on social media when he was, quite rightly, refused entry to female spaces. He insisted on and was granted access to Topshop’s female changing rooms despite being physically male.

They are also manipulating language to suit their agenda, dictating to women that we must not reference our biology as specifically female. We are no longer women; we must refer to ourselves as ‘uterus havers’ or ‘menstruators’. We must not use the words “pregnant mothers” or “breastfeeding”; it’s “pregnant people” and “chestfeeding” now. Women must pretend that menstruation, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, giving birth, breastfeeding, menopause etc are not uniquely female experiences.

You’ll notice there is rarely any mention of (biologically female) transmen in this debate. There is never any demand made on men to accommodate them into manhood, to give up their spaces, roles, power, authority and opportunities. Men are still men, not testes-havers or prostate-owners. And men-only establishments remain exactly that; they’re open to nobody but biological males. I know exactly what sort of reception the brilliant activists #ManFriday would receive if they tried their luck getting into gentleman’s club, The Athenaeum, or a gay men’s sauna by claiming to ‘identify’ as male. When they arrived at the Hampstead Heath men-only pond, the male bathers objected in the strongest terms [*13] and even called the police! Because female people are still read and treated as female whatever their ‘gender identity’ might be. Whereas men now have a Get Out Of Jail Free card to use with impunity the moment they choose to ‘identify as a woman’. This movement is one of pure misogyny, but concealed beneath a rainbow flag.

This, of course, brings us back to the rather naive assertion made to me that “Genitals don’t matter!” A cunning silencing tactic used to derail debate is that those who challenge gender identity are somehow ‘obsessed with other people’s genitals’ or ‘reducing women to their genitalia’. Lesbians are labelled ‘Vagina fetishists’ if they dare define their sexual boundaries to exclude penis. But the reality is that biological sex exists. There are discernible and important differences between the biological sexes, the most obvious of which is anatomy and reproductive capacity. And this matters. It matters a lot.

For millennia the class of people with vulvas and uteri etc (let’s call them WOMEN) have been oppressed, discriminated against, subjugated, murdered, raped, abused, assaulted, disfigured, held back, held down and terrorized by the class of people with penises and testicles etc (let’s call them MEN). And why?? Because of that very thing we’re supposed to pretend doesn’t exist or isn’t important; our biological sex. But we must not talk about it. Genitals don’t matter, remember??

Moreover, the vast majority of the world’s population base their choice of potential romantic / sexual partners on biological sex. To pretend otherwise is ludicrous. And deeply homophobic. For centuries gay men and lesbians fought and died pursuing their right to enjoy relationships with people of a specific biological sex; their own. Throughout the world gay men and lesbians are still persecuted and put to death for having relationships with people of a specific biological sex; their own.

If we are now pretending that gay men can and should be induced or somehow ‘educated’ to pursue sexual relationships with people who have vaginas, how is that different from the appalling conversion therapy that used to be forced upon them? If we are now pretending that lesbians can and should be induced or somehow ‘educated’ to pursue sexual relationships with people who have a penis, how is that different from the ‘corrective rape’ so frequently forced upon them? It isn’t. The notion that lesbians and gay men can ‘choose’ to have partners of the opposite sex is exactly the what they’ve fought so hard to resist for decades. It is coercive heterosexuality and it’s regressive, reactionary nonsense.

It seems to me that current transgender ideology really is not compatible with lesbianism and homosexuality. There is a huge T shaped cuckoo in the LGB nest. It’s time to speak up.

[*1] Article detailing the reasons for the ‘Get the L Out’ Pride protest

[*2] Article on ‘girl dick’ in

[*3] Autostraddle article on lesbian sex with a penis

[*4] YouTube video featuring ‘babydyke’

[*5] Riley J Dennis likens a ‘genital preference’ when dating with racism

[*6] Spectator article detailing disruptions to women’s meetings

[*7] Morning Star article on attack on trades unionist

[*8] Article detailing attack on 60 year old woman by trans activist

[*9] Article by Miranda Yardley on the meaning of ‘Gender’

[*10] Kristina Harrison speaking at a feminist meeting

[*11] Article in The Ecomonist by Debbie Hayton on ‘gender identity’

[*12] Letter to The Guardian by a number of trans women re the GRA

[*13] Article detailing the Man Friday Hampstead Heath protest



74 thoughts on “The Cuckoo in the Nest

  1. Very fine and very truthful article. Well done. Glad your brave enough to dismiss the onslaught you will be getting on social media to help get this story told.

    Liked by 5 people

  2. Thank you for the summary. I’ll use this as a starting point to educate others. The only transwoman I know is lovely and is shocked and appalled at being hijacked by trans activists and like others has been abused for questioning the madness. The oxygen of publicity will defeat TRAs in the end. Keep up the good work.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. I’m so glad Tish Naughton posted this on MeWe, as a twitterbanned femme, I rely on MeWe and blogs more than ever.

    I am overjoyed that you’ve written this upstanding treatise in support of women’s and lesbians rights.

    I agree with previous reply here that the more public exposure the gender reich receives and the more women’s voices are joined in resistance to confront this totalitarian trans trubble the better.

    Thank you thank you.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. “And if we have no word with which to describe our biological sex, then we cannot challenge the oppression and discrimination inherent in it.”

    Brilliant, much needed argument. I’m not a bigot, Greer is not a bigot – women need to hold on to the meaning of what it is to be women. And lesbian CAN and SHOULD reserve the right to not want a penis inside them. AMEN

    Liked by 6 people

  5. This is great. Just to give you a heads up Facebook, in its intimate wisdom, have been removing links to your piece as spam. I had posted it with a comment in a private facebook group and they still removed it. I tried to repost it but they were blocking it. They had earlier blocked WPUK.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I was blocked from sharing this on facebook::

    “Warning: This Message Contains Blocked Content
    Your message couldn’t be sent because it includes content that other people on Facebook have reported as abusive.”

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Reblogged this on Mother, Midwife, Radical Feminist and commented:
    “For millennia the class of people with vulvas and uteri etc (let’s call them WOMEN) have been oppressed, discriminated against, subjugated, murdered, raped, abused, assaulted, disfigured, held back, held down and terrorized by the class of people with penises and testicles etc (let’s call them MEN). And why?? Because of that very thing we’re supposed to pretend doesn’t exist or isn’t important; our biological sex. But we must not talk about it. Genitals don’t matter, remember??”

    Liked by 4 people

  8. So people who are biologically male want to change the meaning of words that traditionally refer to people who are biologically female, change them so these words can also apply to people who are biologically male, and people who disagree and are biologically female are not allowed to weigh in on this.

    This precedent of bulldozing language usage is not only terrible in terms of this one example, but if they can get away with this, what words will we be terrorized into changing meanings of next?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Saw someone on Mumsnet make the excellent point that there’s a reason such a tiny minority is able to wield such power; it’s because it’s a huge reaction against feminism, it’s keeping women in their place & letting them know who’s in charge. It’s not really about trans rights, it’s about shoring up male dominance.

      Liked by 6 people

  9. I tried to share the link on my Facebook page but a message from FB popped up to say I was prohibited from posting the link because the article contained abusive content. I ask you! Talk about double standards! I can see nothing abusive in your piece.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I know, Lynne. It doesn’t appear in any searches, either. Clearly the post is being targeted by people determined nobody should read or share it. Rather proving my point about McCarthyism, aren’t they?!

      It is possible to lodge an appeal with Facebook if you follow the drop down menus etc. Might work if enough people complain!


  10. From facebook today: “Thanks again for letting us know about this post. We’ve taken another look and found that it doesn’t go against our Community Standards, so we’ve restored your post. We’re sorry for the trouble and appreciate you taking the time to get in touch with us so that we could correct this.”

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thanks to “Stop Trans Chauvinism” a lot of people including myself have reported and protested the ban on Facebook, which DOES prove your point a million times over.

        You speak for all of us who are not confused, and know exactly what is going on here.

        Thank you.

        Liked by 2 people

      1. I think the tone you adopted was spot on. Calm, reasoned, well-argued. An excellent article. And the antis will do the histrionic/tantrum stuff, like spoiled children – and entitled misogynists! – who don’t like the idea that other people have rights.


      2. Thank you Phil. I believe this new ‘cult’ will harm both women and genuine transsexuals. Not to mention the incredible harm to children who are literally being experimented upon.


  11. Excellent article, thank you!

    The unfortunate problem is that there are so many articles all with the same overall message, all spelling out facts and serious concerns, and STILL the TRAs, their handmaidens, ‘woke’ students, Equalities and Diversities officers in organisations, refuse to accept or even read the obvious logic in those messages. Where E&D officers are not in agreement with the TWAW mantra, they are powerless to withstand that onslaught of a tiny minority that is gaslighting the people in positions of authority as well as everyone else who has grasped the situation and sees the gaslighting as that creeping sledgehammer that it is.

    If anyone would like to respond to the City Of London’s consultation document that’s aimed at removing single-sex spaces in order to be trans-inclusive, please do so. Edward Lord is aiming to circumvent the protected characteristics of the Equalities Act (sex is a protected characteristic, not gender) and allow transwomen access to female-only safe and private spaces. As we all know, the trans lobby are extremely influential and well mobilised. They have made a concerted effort to pile onto the survey and the views of women need to be represented too. Our safety, dignity and privacy are threated and we need to let them know how badly this will affect us. Please, please consider completing the survey:

    Liked by 1 person

  12. As a Feminist Lesbian, I THANK you so much for this article. It is so beautifully written and the points you make speak on so many issues I’ve been struggling to articulate.
    I will be sharing this article with friends who also feel the erasure in our community due to the borderline militant actions of trans women who feel entitled to our spaces and bodies.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Alexandra. I believe the new cult of transgenderism is extremely harmful to women as well as to anyone same-sex attracted. And to genuine transsexuals.


  13. “An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a coworker who had been doing a little
    homework on this. And he actually ordered me dinner simply because
    I found it for him… lol. So allow me to reword this….
    Thank YOU for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending some time to discuss
    this topic here on your blog.”


  14. Thank you. Keep on speaking up. We’re so vastly in the majority on this the only way this insanity can win is if the rest of us fail to uphold the truth and keep silent hoping someone else will do the job. It’s still a free society – let’s keep it that way!


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